Chemical industry works in one complex with metallurgy. It is using the
by-products of steel and coke industry for the production of nitrogen
fertilizers, paints, dyes, medicines. Phosphorus, potassium and salt are used
for fertilizer production, sulfur are used for the production of sulfuric acid.
Oil and gas are used for both domestic and imported are used for the production of synthetic
rubber and synthetic fibers. The largest centers of chemistry: Severodonetsk has
35 thousand people, and 28 thousand people are in Odessa.
The largest enterprises are:
• PJSC "Severodonetsk Azot"
• Odessa Port "OPZ"
• OJSC "AK" Svema '"
• Gorlovsky concern "Sterol"
• Avdiivka Coke
• Markohim in the "Azovstal"
• "DneproAzot"
• JSC "Chernigov Khimvolokno"
• JSC "Stekloplastic"
• Cherkasy "Nitrogen"
• "Rovnoazot"