Foreigners and persons without citizenship, who are in Ukraine on legal grounds, can use the same rights and freedoms, obligations like citizens of Ukraine, with the exceptions established by the Constitution, laws or international treaties Ukraine.
Foreigners and persons without citizenship may be granted asylum the procedure established by law.
You have the rights:
1) the right to life;
2) the right to respect for your dignity;
3) the right to liberty and security of person;
4) the right to freedom of belief and religion;
5) the right to freedom of opinion and expression;
6) the right to own, use and dispose of your property, the results of your intellectual and creative activities;
7) the right to a safe and healthy environment and to compensation violation of this right;
8) to engage in investment, foreign trade and other forms of business provided by the law of Ukraine;
9) on the labor activity;
10) to rest;
11) on health care;
12) on social protection;
13) for asylum the procedure established by law;
14) for education;
15) to conclude and terminate marriages with citizens of Ukraine and other persons in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine;
16) move through Ukraine and to choose your residence therein in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
17) to apply to the court and other state agencies to protect your personal proprietary and other rights;
18) other rights are not prohibited by Ukrainian law or Ukrainian international treaties.
Legislation of Ukraine guarantees the inviolability of the person home, privacy and family life, privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations and telegraphic communications, respect their dignity as citizens of Ukraine for foreigners.