The voluntary return of foreigners and persons without citizenship
1. Foreigners and persons without citizenship, who have received notice of refusal of recognition as refugee or person, who needs complementary protection, lost or denied refugee status or additional protection and did not use the right to appeal such decisions, and persons, who have received notice of rejection of appeal refusing to process documents for solving the issue of recognition as refugee or person, who needs complementary protection, and did not use his right to appeal in court, the person, who received the judgment confirming the decision to refuse to process documents for solving the issue of refugee status or person, who needs complementary protection in Ukraine should voluntarily return to their country of origin or a third country in time, unless they have other legitimate reasons for staying in Ukraine, established by law.
2. Foreigners and persons without citizenship, who have no legitimate reason to stay in Ukraine or who can not fulfill the obligation to leave Ukraine, not later than the day the end of the period of their stay due to lack of funds or loss of passport can voluntarily return to country of origin or a third country, including the assistance of international organizations.
3. Decisions on the voluntary return of foreigners and persons without citizenship make by the central executive authority that implements the state policy in the field of migration, according to foreigners and persons without citizenship on voluntary return.
4. If the decision on the the voluntary return of foreigners and person without citizenship is issued a certificate of a person, who voluntarily returned. The above information is grounds for a temporary stay of foreigners and persons without citizenship in the territory of Ukraine for the period until completion of voluntary return. If the completion of the voluntary return of such certificate shall be withdrawn or declared invalid.
5. Term of the procedure for voluntary return should not exceed 60 days.
6. If the decision on the the voluntary return of a foreigner or persons without citizenship who have not attained the age of eighteen should be clarified that in case of voluntary return of such person returns to a family member or guardian.
7. During the procedure for the voluntary return of foreigners and persons without citizenship central executive body responsible for ensuring implementation of the state policy in the field of migration and cooperates with international and non-governmental organizations whose statutes provide assistance in voluntary return of foreigners and stateless persons.