We have the apiaries in environmentally clean districts of Ukraine. Our productsare very delicious, useful and possess naturalmedical properties. They have enormous influence on a health and longevity of a person. For today honey is one of not many products in the world, which has high descriptions, and also contains good quantity of vitamins. One of the features of the honey is it’s individual composition which depends on time of the year, melliferous plants from which bees get their nectar and it’s medical properties. Ukrainian people do everything in order that our products of beekeeping did not lose the primary useful properties. Honey is one of the best natural remedies for flu and cold-related diseases and their prevention.
Honey can be used both internally and externally. Honey is a highly nourishing food, and has a remediation and health-restoring properties. It is easily digested by the human body and, in contrast to refined sugar is stored in the body as a carbohydrate and is consumed by the need for fuel.
Honey is not provoked to his addiction. He has excellent nutritional properties.One teaspoon of honey contains 60 calories and 25% sweeter than sugar. Honey is an excellent food for the cells, tissues and organs of our body.
The chemical composition of honey varies depending on with what colors, in what areas and at what time of year it is collected. Honey acquires certain medicinal properties depending on with what plants collected nectar. Honey can be:
Buckwheat honey
Mustard honey
Melilot honey
Esparcet honey
Coriander honey
Lavender honey
Linden honey
Meadow honey
Forest honey
White acacia honey
Sunflower honey
Rape honey
Phacelia honey
And today, we want to offer you valuable gifts of our apiaries which are collected by bees in ecologically clean areas of the region under the supervision of beekeepers - professionals.