You have the right to extend your terms
on the territory of Ukraine
To foreigner or the stateless person who on the lawful bases are in the territory of Ukraine, has the right to extend your terms on the territory of Ukraine (in the presence of the lawful bases).
These bases are:
1) according to the short-term visa, and also from the states with visa-free order of entrance in the presence of the reasonable bases (treatment, pregnancy or childbirth, care of the sick family member, registration of inheritance, filing of application about obtaining permission to immigration or acquisitions of nationality of Ukraine, etc.) and on condition of submission of confirming documents - for existence of such bases, but no more than 180 days from the date of the last entry into Ukraine.
2) behind a transit visa in case of the compelled stop in the territory of Ukraine in connection with force majeure (natural disaster, an illness, vehicle repair, etc.) in the presence of the document which confirms the reason and duration of the compelled stop, - for the period necessary for elimination of such circumstances.
3) for the long-term visa if during period of validity of the visa for good reasons it isn't issued a view of continuous or temporary residence, on condition of submission of confirming documents - for no more than one month.